Become a ZestFriend

Be one of us: join our teams in Texas and California
or become a franchise partner in your State!

Join our Teams in Texas and California!

Zest Seniors’ opportunities are great for those looking for some flexibility in their professional life.
If you enjoy helping others and looking for opportunities to work with the Seniors community, then Zest is for you!

ZestFriends have a zest for enjoying life. They are: 








Zest Seniors will match you with a senior friend on a one-to-one basis.
Our programs can be special occasion single mornings or afternoons, or once or twice a week for several months.
Activities can be one to eight hours long, depending on our clients’ needs.
All eligible candidates must be fully vaccinated and boosted against Covid and must pass both a criminal background check and drug test. Drug tests will be conducted randomly. Proof of car insurance and good maintenance will be required.
Non-smokers are preferred.


Want to do something good for the world?
Zest Seniors has franchise opportunities available for entrepreneurs and business owners
 across the country who share our same passion.
careers working with seniors
Services on demand make living alone an ever more popular option for seniors: groceries are delivered, entertainment is streamed into the house, ride share companies allow for mobility for people who can no longer drive – but while these services offer convenience and independence, they don’t provide opportunities to meet and make new friends.
Zest Seniors is not “friends on demand,” but rather a company that understands the value and power found in real human connections. 
We provide franchise opportunities to entrepreneurs who share our core values: a belief that happiness is real and healing, that people need to feel friendship to be happy, and that anyone can make a new friend at any age.
If you believe the same, Zest Seniors is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for!

Apply Here!