
“Have you found joy in your life?
Has your life brought joy to others?”

Morgan Freeman

Create special moments that enrich Seniors’ lives is our one and only goal.

What we do makes them happy, and that in turn makes us fulfilled. Their stories are ours too…
charllie and emma story
charllie and emma story
“Here was this marvelous young woman, just getting ready to go out into the world who was trying so hard to make me happy – I’m usually the one worried about other people!  I could see she was reaching for ideas and felt bad for her because the weather had ruined her plans for the day.  I honestly was about to give in to the cookie idea when she started asking about my record collection.  It’s really not much of a collection as much as it’s just my favorite records that I’ve held onto, none of them are valuable but that afternoon they were worth their weight in gold.  Charlie had never heard of Ella Fitzgerald and while I know not everyone likes Jazz…how could you not have heard of Ella Fitzgerald?  And I got to be the person who introduced her to Ella and Nina Simone  and I have plans for Thelonious Monk later but we’re taking small steps here, it’s a jump from Ella to Monk.”
What will our story be?

Are you looking to keep your loved one(s) active, engaged and happy?

Zest Seniors provides personalized, safe and fun activities, breaking through the loneliness many Seniors face.